Ad Eduxian Publication

Refund Policy

On purchasing any type of book publishing-related package from our publication, the author is eligible for a fee refund only if there is a breach of the agreement stipulated by the publisher. This is also fully mentioned in the contract from AD EDUXIAN Publication.

Suppose you are participating in any writing-related program or challenge organized by AD EDUXIAN Publication. In that case, you can seek a fee refund only until the registration portal is open and the program/challenge is still ongoing. It hasn’t started. Once the publishing task/challenge begins, the service promised by you will be deemed delivered, and you will not be eligible for a refund in any way, whether you actively submit your work for it or not. And be sure to add any relevant details or information you want to share with your visitors.

You have to make sure that every website has a purpose, and that your visitors want to hear your story. This space is a great opportunity and effort to give a full background on who you are, what your team does, and what your site offers. 

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